37 CFR Parts 1 and 5

Changes To Support Implementation of the United States Patent and Trademark Office 21st Century Strategic Plan: Propose Rule






By Tatsuo YABE





(1) See 37 CFR § 1.27 Definition of small entities 小規模事業者か否かを判断する場合に特許或いは特許出願を大規模事業者に譲渡する義務がある場合という現行規則の意味合いをより明瞭に規定した。 → 即ち、譲渡する義務が現時点で存在するか否か(currently enforceable obligation under contract or law)が判断基準となります。 
(2)  See § 1.57 Incorporation by reference. 日本国出願から優先権を主張し米国特許出願をすることによって日本出願明細書及び図面の開示内容の全てが米国出願の開示の一部と見なされます。 → 米国出願時に誤ってパラグラフを抜かしてしまったり、図面或いはページの一部を省いて出願してしまったとしても補正が可能となります。
(3See § 1.98 Content of information disclosure statement. 003630日以降に出願される米国特許出願公開公報(及びPCT国際公開公報)及び米国特許をIDSする場合には公報のコピー提出は不要。
(4)See § 1.102 Advancement of examination. テロ対策に関する発明が申請費用免除で早期審査を受けられます。
(5)See § 1.105 Requirements for information. 審査官は困難な発明を解釈するために当業者のレベルを理解するべく出願人に質問をすることが施行規則で保障されます。
(6)See § 1.111 Reply by applicant or patent owner to a non-final Office action.     NON-FINALOAに対して応答書を提出した後に追加の補正書(審査官の指示に直接的に準じるものではない出願人のメリットとなる実態的なクレーム補正がある場合)はENTERされません。
(7)See § 1.291 Protests by the public against pending applications. 従来は匿名で実施できたプロテスト(情報提供による意義申し立て)をする場合に今後は当事者の正体を明かすことが要件となります。







37 CFR§1.27



Section 1.27 is amended by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:


§ 1.27 Definition of small entities and establishing status as a small entity to permit payment of small entity fees; when a determination of entitlement to small entity status and notification of loss of entitlement to small entity status are required; fraud on the Office.



2) Small business concern. A small business concern, as used in paragraph

(c) of this section, means any business concern that:

(i) Has not assigned, granted, conveyed, or licensed, and is under no

currently enforceable obligation under contract or law to assign, grant, convey, or license, any rights in the invention to

any person, concern, or organization which would not qualify for small entity status as a person, small business concern, or nonprofit organization; and

(ii) Meets the size standards set forth in 13 CFR 121.801 through 121.805 to be eligible for reduced patent fees.

Questions related to standards for a small business concern may be directed to: Small Business Administration, Size Standards Staff, 409 Third Street , SW., Washington , DC 20416 .






1.27: 小規模事業者に関する定義を明瞭にするべく補正される予定です。


出願人或いは特許権者がローンを組むために銀行に担保としている特許或いは特許出願がある場合には、それ自体で小規模事業者のStatusを喪失するものではない。 但し、ローンが返せなくなり担保債権を回収される状態になった場合には小規模事業者のStatusを喪失する。 注意:但し債権者としての銀行は大規模事業者の場合である。





2002年10月1日に小規模事業者として特許発行費を支払った。2002年10月2日に大規模事業者とのライセンスに同意した。 ⇒ 問題ない。



出願後60日以内に大規模事業者に譲渡するという契約書を交わして,小規模事業者として米国出願をした。 ⇒ 問題である。 出願時に出願人(小規模事業者)は大規模事業者に譲渡するという既存の義務 (existing obligation)があった。 


[現行規定の “under obligation”という用語を改訂案では1.27(1)(1); (2); (3)で“under no currently enforceable obligation under contract or law to assign, grant…”とし、その意味合いを明瞭にした。]


37 CFR§1.57


§ 1.57 Incorporation by reference.


(a) Subject to the conditions and requirements of this paragraph, if all or a portion of the specification or drawings is inadvertently omitted from an application, but the application contains a claim under § 1.55 for priority of a prior-filed foreign application, or a claim under § 1.78 for the benefit of a prior-filed provisional, nonprovisional, or international application, that was present on the date of receipt of the application, and the omitted portion of the specification or drawings is completely contained in the prior-filed application, the claim under §§ 1.55 or 1.78 shall also be considered an incorporation by reference of the prior-filed application.



1) The application must be amended to include the omitted portion of the specification or drawings within the time period set by the Office, but in no case later than the close of prosecution as defined by § 1.114. The examiner may require the applicant to supply a copy of the prior-filed application, to supply an English language translation of any prior-filed application that is in a language other than English, and to identify where the omitted portion of the specification or drawings can be found in the prior-filed application.






1.57: 参照による援用


1.57(a): 米国出願明細書から図面或いは明細書の一部或いは全てが不注意によって省かれて出願された場合であって、当該出願が1.55条の基に外国出願から優先権を主張するか、あるいは、米国出願或いは国際出願から優先権を主張している場合には、当該削除されてしまった部分は本願明細書に incorporation by reference (参照によって援用)されていると見なす


上記効果は、優先権の基礎となる出願を本願明細書で明瞭に incorporation by reference(参照による援用)の形態で表示しなくとも有効である。


1.57(a)(1): 省かれた部分を本願明細書に盛り込むときには本願明細書を米国特許庁が指定する期日までに補正し、当該省かれた内容を盛り込まなければならない。 1.114条で規定する本願の審査が終了する日を超えて補正をすることはできない。


1.57(b): 上記1.57(a)で規定された参照盛りこみに該当しない場合には、 “incorporated by reference”と明瞭に記載しなければならない。


1.57(c): 発明にとって「本質的な内容:(米国特許第112条第1第2パラグラフを満たすために必要な開示内容のこと)」は参照による援用が可能であるが、当該参照援用できるものは、米国特許あるいは米国特許出願公開公報に限る;


1.57(d):発明にとって「非本質的な内容」は外国特許あるいは外国出願公開公報を参照し,援用しても良い。 しかしブラウザのハイパーリンクによる参照援用は不可。


37 CFR§1.98

§ 1.98 Content of information disclosure statement.


(a) ** *

(1) A list of all patents, publications, applications, or other information submitted for consideration by the Office. U.S. patents and U.S. patent application publications must be listed in a section separately from citations of other documents. Each page of the list must include:

(i) The application number of the application in which the information disclosure statement is being submitted;

(ii) A column that provides a space next to each document to be considered for the examiners initials; and

(iii) A heading that clearly indicates that the list is an information disclosure statement.

(2) A legible copy of:

(i) Each patent;

(ii) Each publication or that portion which caused it to be listed;

(iii) For each cited pending unpublished U.S. application, the application specification including the claims, and any drawing of the application, or that portion of the application which caused it to be listed including any claims directed to that portion; and

(iv) All other information or that portion which caused it to be listed

* * * * *

(e) The requirement in paragraph (a)(2) of this section for a copy of the U.S. patents or U.S. patent application publications listed in an information disclosure statement does not apply:

(1) In any national patent application filed after June 30, 2003 ;

(2) In any international application that has entered the national stage under 35 U.S.C. 371 after June 30, 2003 ; or

(3) In any information disclosure statement submitted in compliance with the Offices electronic filing system.



1.98: IDSの記載内容:




(1) 20003年6月30日以降に出願された米国特許出願

(2) 2003年6月30日以降に米国特許法371条の基に出願されたPCT出願;

(3) 特許庁の電子出願システムに合致する形態で提出されたIDS開示情報

37 CFR§1.102

§ 1.102 Advancement of examination.

* * * * *

(c) A petition to make an application special may be filed without a fee if the basis for the petition is:

(1) The applicants age or health; or

(2) That the invention will materially:

(i) Enhance the quality of the environment;

(ii) Contribute to the development or conservation of energy resources; or

(iii) Contribute to countering terrorism.



1.102(c)は、早期審査 (Make Special)される対象であって申請費が不要となる発明の種類を規定しており、現行規則では「環境」と「エネルギー」に関わる発明がそれに該当するが、「テロ行為に対抗する発明」が追加された。 現行規則では対テロ発明はMake Specialの扱いを受けるが申請費用が必要である。


37 CFR§1.105


§ 1.105 Requirements for information.

(a)(1) * * *


(viii) Technical information known to applicant. Technical information known to applicant concerning the interpretation of the related art, the disclosure, the claimed subject matter, other information pertinent to patentability, or the accuracy of the examiners stated interpretation of such items.

* * * * *

(3) Requirements for information may be presented in any appropriate form, for example:

(i) A requirement for documents;

(ii) Interrogatories in the form of specific questions seeking applicants knowledge; or

(iii) Stipulations in the form of statements with which the applicant may agree or disagree.

(4) Any reply to a requirement for information, apart from requirements for answers based on applicants opinion, that states that the information required to be submitted is unknown and/or is not readily available to the party or parties from which it was requested will be accepted as a complete reply. Any reply to a requirement for answers based on applicants opinion that states that an opinion is not held by the party or parties from which it was requested will be accepted as a complete reply.



1.105: 情報の開示要求:


出願人が周知する技術情報(先行技術の解釈に対する技術情報;クレームされた発明主題; 特許性に関わる他の情報; これらに対する審査官の理解の正確さ)の提出を審査官が要求できる。






出願人は審査官の問いかけに返答できない場合、或いは、返答するのに多大な労力を要する場合にはその旨を記載し、返事することによって返答することが免除されうる -- 37 CFR1.105(4)。


37 CFR§1.111


§ 1.111 Reply by applicant or patent owner to a non-final Office action.


(a) ** *

(2) Supplemental replies. (i) A supplemental reply will not be entered as matter of right except as provided in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. The Office may enter a supplemental reply that is filed before the expiration of the statutory period (i.e., within six months from the mailing date of the non-final Office action) if the supplemental reply is clearly limited to:

(A) Cancellation of a claim(s);

(B) Adoption of an examiner suggestion(s); or

(C) Placement of the application in condition for allowance.

(ii) A supplemental reply will be entered if the supplemental reply is filed within the period during which action by the Office is suspended under § 1.103(a) through (c).



1.111: 最終拒絶ではないOAに対する応答:


1.111 (a)(2)追加の応答書:

現行規則の基では追加の応答書が比較的容易に認められているため審査官に多大な負荷を与え、結果的には審査期間を長引かせる大きな要因となっている。 出願人は第1回目の応答書で完全に応答を済ませるよう努力し、特許庁の資源(審査官)をより効率的に使うべきであるという趣旨から改訂案が作成されております。


1.111(a)(2)(i)に基づき、「追加の応答書」は出願人の当然の権利として受け入れられるものではない。 追加補正書は法定期限内(OA発効日より6ヶ月)で (A)クレームをキャンセルするか、(B) 審査官の指示に準じた補正を行うか、(C) 出願を特許許可の状態にする補正のいずれかの場合には追加補正は認められる。


1.111(a)(2)(ii): 1.103(a)-(c)で規定される審査中断期間であれば追加補正書は出願人の権利として受け入れられる。


37 CFR§1.115


§ 1.115 Preliminary amendments.


(a) A preliminary amendment is an amendment that is received in the Office (see § 1.6) on or before the mail date of the first Office action under §1.104.

(b) A preliminary amendment submitted on or prior to the filing date of an application is part of the original disclosure of the application. If a preliminary amendment is determined to contain matter not otherwise included in the contents of the originally filed specification, including claims, and drawings, and the preliminary amendment is not specifically referred to in the oath or declaration under § 1.63, a new oath or declaration in compliance with § 1.63 will be required.

(c)(1) A preliminary amendment will be entered unless disapproved by the Director.

(i) A preliminary amendment seeking cancellation of all the claims without presenting any new or substitute claims will be disapproved. However, for filing and fee calculation purposes, such an amendment will cause the application to be treated as containing a single claim, which would be the first independent claim.

(ii) A preliminary amendment may be disapproved if the preliminary amendment unduly interferes with the preparation of a first Office action in an application. Factors that will be considered in disapproving a preliminary amendment include:

(A) The state of preparation of a first Office action as of the date of receipt (see § 1.6) of the preliminary amendment by the Office; and

(B) The nature of any changes to the specification or claims that would result from entry of the preliminary amendment.

(2) A preliminary amendment will not be disapproved under (c)(1)(ii) of this section if it is filed no later than:

(i) Three months from the filing date of an application under § 1.53(b);

(ii) The filing date of a continued prosecution application under § 1.53(d); or

(iii) Three months from the date the national stage is entered as set forth in § 1.491 in an international application.

(d) The time periods specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section are not extendable.



1.115: 予備的補正書






1.115(b): 出願日あるいは出願日の前に提出された予備的補正書は原出願の開示を一部とみなす。 ただし、当該予備的補正書が宣誓書で参照されていないときには1.63条の基に新たな宣誓書を作成しなければならない。


1.115(c)(1)(ii): 予備的補正書は、(A)当該予備的補正書を特許庁が受信した時点における第1回目の拒絶通知(OA)の進行度合い;(B)予備的補正書の内容に起因する明細書の変更またはクレームの変更の度合いによっては予備的補正書を認めない場合がある。




37 CFR§1.291


§ 1.291 Protests by the public against pending applications.

(a) A protest may be filed by a member of the public against a pending application, and will be matched with the application file if it adequately identifies the patent application to the extent that the Office can timely match it. A protest which does not adequately identify a pending patent application will not be considered by the Office other than to return it to the protestor.

(b) Where the protest adequately identifies the patent application to the extent that the Office can timely match it with an application, the protest will be entered into the record of the application if it:

(1) Is submitted:

(i) Prior to the date the application was published under § 1.211, or the notice of allowance under § 1.311 was mailed, whichever occurs first; or

(ii) At any time if it is accompanied by the written consent of the applicant to the filing of the protest being submitted;

(2) Is served upon the applicant in accordance with § 1.248, or filed with the Office in duplicate in the event service is not possible; and

(3) Includes a statement identifying the real party in interest on whose behalf the protest is being filed to the extent necessary for determination of whether a party who may file a subsequent protest is in privity with the

identified real party in interest. Where

anonymity of the real party in interest is desired, the protestor may provide, in place of the statement identifying the

real party in interest, a substitute statement that the protest is, to the best of the knowledge of the submitting

party, the first protest being submitted by the real party in interest. The substitute statement must be

accompanied by a processing fee under §1.17(i).

(c) Where the protest is entered into the record of the application, the items of information submitted with the protest, and the argument directed toward such items, will be considered by the examiner, if the protest includes:

(1) A listing of the patents, publications, or other information relied upon;

(2) A concise explanation of the relevance of each item listed pursuant to paragraph (c)(1);

(3) A copy of each listed patent, publication, or other item of information in written form, or at least the pertinent portions thereof;

(4) An English language translation of all the necessary and pertinent parts of any non-English language patent, publication, or other item of information

relied upon; and

(5) If a second or subsequent protest by the same party, an explanation why the additional art issues are significantly different and why they were not earlier





1.291: プロテスト(情報提供による意義申立て)


現行規則の下ではプロテスト(公開前に出願を特定し当該出願クレームの特許性に対抗する情報とその関連性を簡潔に説明した生類を提出する手法:情報提供)をする側の情報(正体)を開示する必要がないのでややもすると本規定のプロテストが濫用される可能性があった。 また、プロテストをする側は、一度にプロテストを完了する努力をする必要もないので細切れにした多くのプロテストを実施することで審査官に多大なる負荷を負わせることになっていた。


上記濫用を防止するために、1.291(b)(3)によってプロテストを実行するパーティー(当事者)の正体を明かすことが要求されている。 しかしどうしても匿名性を維持する必要がある場合には(例えば会社内で従業員がプロテストを行うなどの場合)1.17(i)に基づく処理費用を伴い、匿名の状態でプロテストを実施できる道を残している。

