Ex Parte Morey



Result-Effective Variable (結果を得るのに有効な変数)の最適化という103条拒絶に


Summarized by Tatsuo YABE – 2020-09-30





Online Seminar  (注意:Clickして視聴できない場合にはURLをコピーし視聴ください):



■ 審判請求人:Corning Incorporated (Laurence Ralph Morey: Inventor)

■ 関連特許出願:US Patent Application No. 14/340,670

■ 特許出願発明の概要:



■ 争点:

表面における圧縮応力(CSs: Compressed Stress @Surface)と表面より50μm内部の圧縮応力(CSD: Compressed Stress at Depth)との比率(“CSs/CSD”)を所定範囲(少なくとも10%)にすることを規定するクレームにおいてBarefoot引例に鑑み当該比率は結果を得るために有効な変数(result effective parameter)と認識されるか否か?


■ 問題となったクレーム:


Claim 5 of US Patent Application No. 14/340,670


5. A strengthened glass article comprising:

     a thickness t ≤ 1 mm,

     an inner region under a central tension CT, and

     at least one compressive stress layer adjacent the inner region and extending within the strengthened glass article from a surface of the strengthened glass article to a depth of layer DOL,

      wherein the DOL is greater than or equal to70 μm,

      wherein the strengthened glass article is under a compressive stress at the surface CSs,

     wherein the strengthened glass article is an alkali aluminosilicate glass article comprising 0 mol% Li2O, and at least 3 mol % Al2O3, and

      wherein the strengthened glass article has a stress profile such that a compressive stress CSD at an intermediate critical depth of 50 μm below the surface of the strengthened glass article is at least 10% of CSs.









 前記強化ガラスはan alkali aluminosilicate glass article comprising 0 mol% Li2O, and at least 3 mol % Al2O3





Figure 1 of US Patent Application No. 14/340,670, shown above, illustrates

-       the first and second “surfaces” (110, 112),

-       the first and second “compressive stress layers” (120, 122),

-       the “inner region” (130),

-       the “depths of layersDOL1 and DOL2, and

-       the “intermediate critical depths” CD1 and CD2.


■ 審査官の判断:


Barefoot引例には所定厚さの強化ガラスにおいてCSs、中央張力CT、及び外部領域の厚さ(DOL)との関係を調整し破断耐性を強化することが開示されているがBarefootにはCSD(Compressive Stress @Depth of Layer)CSs (Compressive Stress @Surface)との比率が強化ガラスの破断耐性に影響することは開示されていない。









■ PTAB(審決の概要):





MPEP Section 2144: June 2020: 9th Edition, Revision  10


C. Showing That the Claimed Parameter Was Not Recognized as "Result-effective"


Applicants may rebut a prima facie case of obviousness based on optimization of a variable disclosed in a range in the prior art by showing that the claimed variable was not recognized in the prior art to be a result-effective variable. E.I. Dupont de Nemours & Company v. Synvina C.V., 904 F.3d 996, 1006 (Fed. Cir. 2018). ("The idea behind the 'result-effective variable' analysis is straightforward.


Our predecessor court (Court of Customs and Patent Appeals: 1909 - 1982) reasoned that a person of ordinary skill would not always be motivated to optimize a parameter 'if there is no evidence in the record that the prior art recognized that [that] particular parameter affected the result.' Antonie, 559 F.2d at 620.


For example, in Antonie the claimed device was characterized by a certain ratio, and the prior art did not disclose that ratio and was silent regarding one of the variables in the ratio. Id. at 619. Our predecessor court thus reversed the Board’s conclusion of obviousness. Id. at 620. Antonie described the situation where a 'parameter optimized was not recognized to be a result-effective variable' as an 'exception' to the general principle in Aller that 'the discovery of an optimum value of a variable in a known process is normally obvious.' Id. at 620. Our subsequent cases have confirmed that this exception is a narrow one. …


In summarizing the relevant precedent from our predecessor court, we observed in Applied Materials that '[i]n cases in which the disclosure in the prior art was insufficient to find a variable result-effective, there was essentially no disclosure of the relationship between the variable and the result in the prior art.' 692 F.3d at 1297. Likewise, if the prior art does recognize that the variable affects the relevant property or result, then the variable is result-effective. Id. ('A recognition in the prior art that a property is affected by the variable is sufficient to find the variable result-effective.')"). Applicants must articulate why the variable at issue would not have been recognized in the prior art as result-effective.




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