In re Conrad

2019 03 22







Summarized by Tatsuo YABE 2019-04-11





■ 出願人:Conrad

■ 特許出願番号13/554,193

■ 特許出願発明の概要:

本事案の発明(米国特許出願13/554,193)は、幼児向けトイレ練習用器材に関し特に幼児による尿の前方方向へ(トイレシートと便器の隙間から)離散を防止する器材に関する発明である。Conrad氏は自身の過去の発明(米国特許出願公開公報2007/151009)においては以下図面の3で示す折り曲げ線部分(folding seam)に尿が微量ではあるが溜まることで異臭を放つという問題点を発見した。


US PG Publication No. 2007/151009 (Conrad) – 009 公開公報




当該問題(尿が折り曲げ線部分に溜まることによる異臭)を解消するために今回の発明(US Application No. 13/554,193193出願)に至った。即ち、以下193出願クレーム1に記載されているように、”the device lacks a folding seam between said bendable urine deflector (2) and said plurality of attachment tabs (3)”というのが発明の骨子である。平易な言葉で表現すれば従来例の折り曲げ線部分がないということだ。(存在しないという意味で”lack”という単語を使ったクレームを見たことがない。もっとましな表現の仕方があったと思う:Reference [3]参照:筆者)。


193出願のClaim 1

1.    A potty training device comprising:

a bendable urine-deflector (2);

     a plurality of attachment tabs (1), wherein said plurality of attachment tabs are in contact with the top of said bendable urine-deflector (2) and are permanently positioned substantially at right angles to the bendable urine-deflector(2); and

     a means (3) for attaching said potty training device to the underside of a toilet seat (50);

      wherein the device lacks a folding seam between said bendable urine deflector (2) and said plurality of attachment tabs (3); and

    wherein said bendable urine-deflector can be positioned in a curved configuration and attached in said configuration via said means for attaching to the underside of said toilet seat to block an opening formed between the toilet seat (50) and a toilet bowl (51) to which said toilet seat is attached, and a surface of said bendable urine-deflector serves as a urine-deflecting surface to deflect a urine stream directed towards said opening (52) into the toilet bowl.



■ 審査官はConrad氏の従来技術、009公開公報を主引例とし、以下のRaviendran引例と組み合わせ193出願のクレーム1を自明と判断した。Raviendran引例の偏向板(urine deflector)は確かに折り曲げ線部分は存在しないし、尿が溜まるような空間は存在しない。審査官はRaviendran引例の偏向版はトイレシートに一体的に固定されており、当業者であれば009引例の偏向板と取付タブとの連結強度を増すためにRaviendranの構造を採用するという動機があるとし193出願クレーム1を自明と判断した。



■ 審判部においても審査官の拒絶理由が支持された。同判決を不服としConrad氏はCAFCに控訴した。


■ CAFCにおいても審判部の判断(審決)が支持された。




それに対しCAFCの意見は、もし自明性を判断するうえにおいて発明者の特定の動機付けを考慮することを必須とするのであれば、地裁判決を破棄差し戻すことになる。しかしKSR最高裁判決及び過去のCAFCの判決において繰り返されているように、当業者が引例同士を組み合わせたであろうかを検討するうえで、発明者が発明に至った理由(動機付け)と同じ理由であることを要求していない。KSR Int’l Co. v. Teleflex Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 420 (2007) (“[A]ny need or problem known in the field of endeavor at the time of invention and addressed by the patent can provide a reason for combining the elements in the manner claimed.”); In re Kahn, 441 F.3d 977, 989 (Fed. Cir. 2006) (“[T]he skilled artisan need not be motivated to combine [a prior art reference] for the same reason contemplated by the [inventor]”); In re Beattie, 974 F.2d 1309, 1312 (Fed. Cir. 1992) (“As long as some motivation or suggestion to combine the references is provided by the prior art taken as a whole, the law does not required that the references be combined for the reasons contemplated by the inventor.”); In re Kronig, 539 F.2d 1300, 1304 (CCPA 1976). “[T]he problem motivating the patentee may be only one of many addressed by the patent’s subject matter.” KSR, 550 U.S. at 420.


上述の判示にあるように、審査官は009引例の偏向板(urine deflector 2)と複数の取り付けタブ(1)との連結部分を強固にするという目的で当業者であればRaviendran引例の構造を取り入れたであろうと判断したのである。さらに審判部において審査官の判断を支持し、偏向板2とタブ1との連結部の強度を高めるという構造的な動機付けによって009引例とRaviendran引例を組み合わせることによって結果的に193出願で発明者が発見したという問題も解決されると判断した。





For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the Board’s determination that claims 1–13 of the ’193 application are un-patentable.






[1] First, let us review the claim 1of U.S. App. 13/554,193 and try to understand the claimed invention!

According to the inventor, Mr. Conrad, he invented the claimed invention based on his prior invention described in US PG Pub No. 2007/151009, submitted to the USPTO as IDS. It is described in his present Application that the problem he found with his prior invention described in ‘009 Publication is that because of the presence of a folding seam, it creates a shelf that collects urine, which over time became malodorous.


Claim 1 of US Application No. 13/554,193

1.    A potty training device comprising:

a bendable urine-deflector (2);

     a plurality of attachment tabs (1), wherein said plurality of attachment tabs are in contact with the top of said bendable urine-deflector (2) and are permanently positioned substantially at right angles to the bendable urine-deflector(2); and

     a means (3) for attaching said potty training device to the underside of a toilet seat (50);

     wherein the device lacks a folding seam between said bendable urine deflector (2) and said plurality of attachment tabs (3); and

     wherein said bendable urine-deflector can be positioned in a curved configuration and attached in said configuration via said means for attaching to the underside of said toilet seat to block an opening formed between the toilet seat (50) and a toilet bowl (51) to which said toilet seat is attached, and a surface of said bendable urine-deflector serves as a urine-deflecting surface to deflect a urine stream directed towards said opening (52) into the toilet bowl.


Prior Art References:


US PG Publication No. 2007/151009 (Conrad) – 009 Publication


3: folding seam         4: deflecting surface                  2: adhesive material






[2] Do you think claim 1 should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) as being indefinite?


Because of the terms such as “a bendable deflector”, there may be a chance that the examiner rejects claim 1. He may say that claim should define what it is or what it does, NOT what it can do.

Also, in wherein clause, “said bendable urine-deflector can be positioned in a curved configuration” creates the same problem.

Moreover, “a bendable” and “permanently positioned at right angle” create inconsistency!!

Furthermore, the term “lacks” is a negative limitation, claim must positively define the elements.


[3] Are there any negative limitations in claim 1?  How can you improve the language of claim 1?


Claim 1 of Application No. 13/554,193

One Example of Revised Claim 1

1.               A potty training device comprising:

    a bendable urine-deflector (2);

    a plurality of attachment tabs (1), wherein said plurality of attachment tabs are in contact with the top of said bendable urine-deflector (2) and are permanently positioned substantially at right angles to the bendable urine-deflector(2); and

    a means (3) for attaching said potty training device to the underside of a toilet seat (50);

    wherein the device lacks a folding seam between said bendable urine deflector (2) and said plurality of attachment tabs (3); and

    wherein said bendable urine-deflector can be positioned in a curved configuration and attached in said configuration via said means for attaching to the underside of said toilet seat to block an opening formed between the toilet seat (50) and a toilet bowl (51) to which said toilet seat is attached, and a surface of said bendable urine-deflector serves as a urine-deflecting surface to deflect a urine stream directed towards said opening (52) into the toilet bowl.

1.              A potty training device comprising:

    a urine-deflector (2);

    a plurality of attachment tabs (1), wherein said attachment tabs are in contact with the top of said urine-deflector (2) and are oriented substantially at right angles to the urine-deflector(2); and

    a bonding member (3) for attaching said potty training device to the underside of a toilet seat (50);

    wherein the device is attached to the lower side of the toilet seat without creating a folding seam between said urine deflector (2) and said attachment tabs (3); and

    wherein said urine-deflector is oriented in a curved configuration and attached in said configuration via said bonding member to block an opening between the toilet seat (50) and a toilet bowl (51), and a surface of said urine-deflector serves as a urine-deflecting surface to deflect a urine stream directed towards said opening (52) into the toilet bowl.




[4] Are there any elements in claim 1 that is/are to be interpreted under 35 U.S.C. 112(f)? If yes, then what will happen to the element(s)?


An element, “a means for attaching …” may be interpreted under 112(f).  When interpreted under 112(f), then the element will be construed to what is described in the spec and equivalents thereof.

But Applicant may be able to amend the element to avoid the MPF interpretation. For instance, amending “a means for attaching..” to – a bonding member --. The term “bond” has a structural meaning in the eyes of the skilled in the art.


[5] Do you think claim 1 should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102 (novelty) based on either one of the cited references?


‘009 Publication has a folding seam, thus does not meet the requirement of “lacks a folding seam”.

Raviendran fails to show a plurality of attachment tabs.


Maybe not..


[6] Do you think claim 1 should be rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 (obviousness) based on a combination of the cited references?


Yes, likely!


[7] If the examiner rejects claim 1 under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being obvious over US’009 in view of Raviendran, what is your argument to overcome the 103 rejection?


[8] Continued from the above [7], assuming that Raviendran’s device is rigidly and permanently attached to the toilet seat 28 whereas ‘009’s device is more like a replaceable member (detachably attached to the toilet seat) every month or two, does this make any difference in your argument?


Yes, then Applicant can argue that the examiner’s proposed combination render inoperable of a principle operation of ’009 Publication (intended to be replaced).  Teaching Away from combining the Raviendran’s structure into the device of ‘009 Publication.



[9] Continued from the above [7], assuming that corresponding structures to “means for attaching” in the specification is an adhesive having a bonding strength in a range of 1kg/cm2 to 2kg.cm2, does this help to overcome the 103 rejection?


This is one illustration of benefits of using “means plus function” style element.  Assuming that ‘009 Publication is silent regarding the bonding strength of the device, then even combining the teachings of ‘009 Publication and Raviendran does not meet the element “means for attaching” recited in claim 1.

Even if ‘009 Publication describes a similar bonding strength (because Raviendran’s device is rigidly and permanently attached to the toilet seat), Raviendran’s structure could not be combined with the device of ‘009 Publication.



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